The paper mainly analyzes monetary control and sterilized intervention measures of the PBC based on the balance sheet of the central bank. First, it analyzes the composition of money supply, emphasizing that net foreign assets are an important source of money supply increase. 通过中央银行的资产负债表研究我国中央银行的货币控制和冲销干预,首先分析了货币供给的构成,强调外汇占款是货币供给增加的重要来源;
Supply chain inventory management ( SCIM), which is the main concern of this dissertation, is an integrated approach to the planning and control of inventory throughout the entire network of co-operating organizations, from the source of supply to the end user. 供应链库存管理(SCIM)是对从原材料开始到最终用户这个整个合作组织网络的库存的计划和控制的集成。